Thursday, May 25, 2006

Over the edge or Over the Hedge?

For both me and Trey it has been an incredibly busy time at work this week. Yesterday I had to be at work at 6:45 for an all day meeting beginning at 7:30am. This is after dinner out with work folks the night before. Trey has been working until around 7, 8, sometimes 9 every night since he was assigned to new parts. Yesterday was also Danielle's End-of-school field trip to Mr. Gattis' during lunch. Trey helped along with some other mothers. Being the only adult male on the trip he was the bathroom monitor for all the little boys. Danielle liked having her Daddy there but was upset that she and one other boy were the only ones without the School blue shirt; her blue Wiggles shirt didn't cut it. Oh, Wiggle Jeff--you've lost out to the live Hayden...Anyway, at 6 Trey was still at work and when I called he still had lots of work to do. But rather than go completely over the edge trying to cook dinner, clean the house and get ready for Thursday, I decided we should go Over the Hedge. So we gave Trey another hour then picked him up and went to the Over the Hedge movie down south. It was a fun movie--very clever, lots of "commentary" on our eating habits and fun Ben Folds music. A few scary parts here and there for a kids but very funny and enjoyable to our almost 4! year old.

We'll publish a few photos from the field trip later this evening.


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