Friday, January 25, 2008


Today as soon as Trey dropped Danielle off at school she developed a rash similar to the one that indicated strep throat last time. So the school called and Trey took her to doctor (no strep this time) and then brought her home. When they arrived home, they found two guilty-looking dogs (in because of rain and cold) and the remains of the gingerbread house:
This afternoon, T + D they made these Pocket Pies (from Alton Brown's recipe) filled with jellies and froze for future quick breakfasts.

At 3pm I went with my coworker, whose father recently passed away, to pick up his ashes at the funeral home. We got to the funeral home and the workers weren't there even though they were "open" until 5pm and she had called them an hour previous to let them know she would be coming at 3:30 to get him! She called the after hours number and they said "oh, we're at the south location and will be there in about 30 minutes." I must say I was very proud of her because she stood up to the guy on the phone and they ended up delivering her father's ashes to her home. The funeral home was very close to my house and since the plans changed - and she needed to get home immediately then - my coworker dropped me off at my house. I called my boss, explained and requested that I work my last 2 hours from home. Thankfully, he was understanding.

Tonight Trey and I watched a travel show on Katmandu. It was beautiful. At commercial break time it asked "if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" We thought about this for a while - if money, political climate and threat were not factors. Trey thinks Malaysia or Singapore. I think Jerusalem. But then again, I would love to see Venezuela - where my mom considers "home" and has told me so much about, Antarctica - a place I would never had thought of except for Trey's friend who spent a week there for work, Russia - after seeing all of Lucas' photos . . . the list goes on and on . . . So, think about - where would you go?


Blogger Mandi Watts said...

I would go anywhere, anytime! I always tell Jeff I just need to get my purse and I can be ready at a moment's notice!

10:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad doggies! I hope they didn't get tummy ache after!

How awful for your friend ... some sensitivity shown by the funeral home huh.

Hmm, I'd ideally like to do a round the world trip and take as much time as I like doing it.

1:56 AM

Blogger cindyjane said...

Apparently the dogs just couldn't restrain themselves anymore!
Didn't know about the ash error, that's terrible. Glad you were with her. And glad she's coming Friday!
Right now I really really want to go to China! We might, for sure will go to Japan because he'll be there and then I'll meet him. Maybe can go to China from there. I went to Singapore ages ago!! Stayed with friends that were living there. They had a driver, was pretty cool. I remember going to Raffles and having a Singapore Sling and going to Boogie Street to see the tranvestites!! Highlights of a trip from a 20 something!

2:13 PM

Blogger Chris said...

Cruise around the world....

10:22 PM


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