Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bunny Club - Here!

Yesterday morning I had a doctor's appt (everything good - Dr is convinced Baby #2 is a girl and wouldn't do another ultrasound to confirm-grr) and Danielle went with me. Afterward she wanted to walk around the little gift shop in the hospital. So she was very patient and didn't touch hardly anything. Then we rounded a corner and there was this precious bunny with polka dot hat and matching little purse and D gasped. She looked up at me with those big brown eyes and asked "Mommy, can I have her?" I was about to say "no" because I am cheap and always say "no" when I decided to go ahead and say "yes." D was thrilled and named her Tixie. We stopped by at home where D introduced her to the fancy bunny she inherited from Trey's grammer, put Tixie in her "carseat" and went off to school.

On the way home D told me all these elaborate plans to start a bunny club for any kids that want to play with their bunnies, have a party, hang out under the fig tree, etc. We got home and went across the street to see if friend was home yet - nope. I was starving and sleepy so started to make dinner. D took a blanket out back with her bunny and waited. Every once in a while she would yell out "Bunny Club - Here!" It was breaking my heart when, thankfully, Trey, who was changing out of his work clothes, went out and joined the Bunny Club. Within a few minutes neighbor friend was home, had her own bunny and came over to play until dinner. It was a very short first Bunny Club meeting but absolutely precious. So if you have a bunny and want to join the Bunny Club, let me know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, may I join the bunny club from afar? I have a big beautiful fluffy white rabbit that I sneak out of hiding every Easter. I much prefer a bunny to a teddy bear!

4:25 PM

Blogger Angela O. said...

Oh that sounds like a wonderful bunny and we would be happy to have you join the Bunny Club. They can be pen pal bunnies :-)

10:41 PM


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