Thursday, April 13, 2006

In Seattle

We got to Seattle safe and sound. It's been a busy week as you can imagine with a total of 6 girls ranging in age from 2 weeks to 9 years. Sunday and Monday were spent at the neighborhood park and around the house. Monday night was a meltdown with H with result of her staying home Tuesday. So Tuesday the rest of the kids and I went to the Beach, getting lost in the process. Tuesday night was a meltdown with K with result of her staying home today. Today was a trip to the Christian bookstore for Easter gifts from us and 3 mile hike on unsuccessful geocaching adventure. Found two cool spots at the river to explore though. I took H, K & Danielle out to dinner and the library so we could spend some one on one time and same with the rest of the family. Tomorrow morning is errands then lunch, maybe a movie then Easter egg dying. Flying home Friday.

We've had some good times and some trying times; I am now the queen of "just one more thing, stop, was I talking to you? Don't worry about what xxxxx is doing I am aware and will take care of it, enough! NOW! and to your room!" But it has been a wonderful trip being with all my precious nieces and G and D--the 2 minutes I've seen him not studying!


Blogger Sarah said...

sounds like you've got the soundtrack figured out!

It's hard to have to divide your attention but it sounds like you're doing a great job. and the weather is so nice out there!

7:45 AM


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