Saturday, November 04, 2006

recent funny/amazing Danielle-isms

Danielle continually amazes me at her memory and how funny she can be. Here's a recent sampling:

  • A few days before Halloween Danielle and I were somewhere (?? I cannot remember where . . .) talking to someone (?? goodness I also cannot remember to whom) and I jokingly said “oh she’s spoiled rotten.” The person replied “I don’t believe that.” And I replied “nah, she’s not.” Then Danielle piped up and said “My Grandmama spoils me rotten . . . and my Aunt Gretchen!”
  • We had these neighbors down the street that had a wild stray cat named Mouse. They couldn't touch them but you would never know it from all the time he spent on their porch and they fed him for years. They moved over the summer and spent days trying to catch Mouse but it appears he adopted the house instead of them. So the new couple moving in agreed to continue feeding and looking after Mouse the cat. Being the bad neighbor that we are, we had not met the new couple yet but we continued to say "hello" to mouse on our walks. On Halloween, we stopped at their house to TorT and I introduced us to the female, Kathryn, of the house. Two days later I mentioned my friend, Kathy, to Trey in conversation and Danielle pipes up "you mean Mouse's mom?" I had no idea what she was talking about . . . until the next day when I saw the new neighbor, Kathryn, drive by the house then it clicked. WOW! Danielle is so observant and smart.
  • Being married to a hunter I am abandoned periodically so we make it a Girls' weekend for Danielle & me. Cousin Kory used to be on the deer lease but he's not now. Danielle commented to my mom that during this most recent time that she's having a Girls' weekend but Drake is having a Boy & Girl weekend because Drake is a boy and Aunt Susie is a girl.
  • Mommy: "We need to take down the Halloween decorations." Danielle: "And put up a chicken." Mommy (pause while thinking "???")" "Danielle, I think you mean a turkey." Danielle: "oh right." giggle, giggle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They notice everything and they hear everything. Cute!

3:59 PM

Blogger Chris said...

Put up a chicken! LOL.

5:03 AM


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