Friday, July 27, 2007

the "repressed" 80s??

So I finished the book I've been reading: eleven minutes that was a fictional story but in the afterword the author mentions that his "youth coincided with an age of enormous freedom, great discoveries and many excesses, which was followed by a period of conservatism and repression . . . " So I think "hmm? When was that?" Only to be answered in the next paragraph with "In that decade of excess (the 1970s) . . . " WHAT??!! The 80s was the period of "conservatism and repression?" I was a teenager through most of the 80s and I certainly wouldn't describe it as conservative and repressed...even in Bible belt area of Arkansas that I grew up in. Am I the only person who remembers Madonna from the Like a Virgin era? Tipper Gore trying to censor Prince and Darlin' Nikki? Rupaul as a supermodel?? 9 1/2 weeks then Mickey Rouke with Lisa Bonet in that NC-17 movie?? Hello . . . MTV??!!! Hmm . . . what do you think??


Blogger cindyjane said...

I don't look back on the 80's & think of them as conversative, but when I remember the 70's, they were a little scary. The drugs & the psychodelic stuff, the protests, Vietnam, & the movies were either depressing or just bad, on and the clothes and hairstyles - ugh! I wonder how old he was in the 70's? I was in my 20's in the 70's and I remember them more as frightening and depressing rather than the excesses he refers to, but then I wasn't into sex & drugs!! Maybe he's closer to my age and the 70's were exciting and liberating for him. I suppose it's all from one's perspective. But when I compare the 70's to the 80's, I can see what he's saying although I don't feel the same way.

12:00 PM

Blogger Chris said...

You are totally right. The 80s were pretty wild. Maybe he lived in Cleveland or something?

8:11 AM


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