Saturday, August 04, 2007

Ready to run . . .

Here's an email conversation (summary) that took place about a month ago between Trey and myself. It initially started with a coworker's email.

Coworker: Hi all. I'm working the party at this year's Moonlight Margarita Run benefitting the Townlake Trail. It's a lot of fun, you should consider
A: (After looking up info on the run and margarita party afterwards) Think you might want to do this? I'll see if my parents can babysit Danielle.
T: Sounds fun. How long is it?
A: It's a 5K.
T: Sure. We can do that. We used to do the trail all the time.
A: Yeah, we can probably train a little to be able to run that. Ok, I'll sign us up.

But the thing is - we DIDN'T ever get around to training but we ran/walked it anyway! During the run this girl passes back by me (Trey has gone on ahead) and says "Angela, you crazy! What are you doing here?" and puts her hand out to high-five and at that point I'm can barely breath much less can talk so I high five her and continue. I'm trying to figure out who it is and decide that she's taller than I remembered but that it is maybe this girl Rhonda that I hit it off with in the boot camp adventure from a few months back. I eventually catch up with Trey and tell him the story; he asks "Did you figure out who it was?" I told him who I thought it was and he says "Nope. It's Tracy Edwards." It's a friend of his that he grew up with /daughter of MIL's bridge partner/cousin by marriage of his cousin's who now lives somewhere around Houston. Six months ago she joined a running group and they do an event out of town about every couple of months and just happened to choose this one in Austin! What are the chances??!! Anyway, the margaritas were ok. The PORK quesadillas at the party were INCREDIBLE and we survived. The event t-shirts SUCKED but it was a fun adventure night out for us AND I'm not too sore. I have a big blister on my right foot though. Of course, since I did the run Thursday night I figured I was owed a treat on Friday and overdid it on cookies! :-)


Blogger cindyjane said...

good for you! and how fun to 'run' into an old friend!

11:48 PM

Blogger Sarah said...

Even if you weren't in the best shape, it's still awesome that you got out and did it! Good job!

4:32 PM


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