mmmm . . . yummy
Tonight Trey and Danielle are in the kitchen making some yummy chocolate chip cookie improvision. mmmmmm.
This morning during the SS hour Trey and I visited with our friend, Jane, who is an elementary school librarian. It was an interesting conversation as my mom recently moved to a new school with similar student population. My mom was remarking the other day how different the schools were and how much she liked this one. My mom moved from an upper middle class RRISD to an AISD school. She was very worried about safety but has completely enjoyed it. Mom says at this school if a parent of a child finds that the child didn't do their homework, they are all on board about it not happening again. At the other school, the parents usually made up excuses ("he had soccer practice every night this week") and actually wanted them not to assign homework! Mom and Jane believe that the principals make a HUGE difference. Jane experienced that as well during the time her daughter was growing up. Jane's lovely daughter is all grown up now and heading off to Spain this week for a college exchange program. I don't know what we're going to do with Danielle in about 2 years for 1st grade . . .
Next week I am speaking to the congregation about "How does my giving reflect God's love toward me?" It's our Stewardship month and next week is my testimony. I'm a little nervous and was expressing that to Rosemary, who gave the talk this morning. Rosemary said she was really nervous too and hoped it turned out ok. Her testimony was INCREDIBLE and now I don't know what I'm going to do. Well . . . besides a lot of prayerful conversations and practice with God this week . . . wish me luck!
We're off to visit Aunt Donna and family at the lake tomorrow. Taking Cari with us. Happy Labor Day!
I think with the right parents any school can be a good school. Unless there is physical danger. Other than that I think it all depends on how committed you are to your child and their education. Some schools may need you to come up to the school and help out a lot. Some teachers may not be helping your kid with math so you might have to take up the slack. But I believe it's a partnership.
We will be sending Emlyn and Denali to the public schools.
8:52 PM
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