Sunday, November 19, 2006

Cool birthday party

Yesterday Danielle and I were too ill to do much of anything so we stayed in bed all day and night. (We were very sad that we missed friend Cari's 5th birthday party. But I'm sure all the parents are relieved.)

This morning Danielle woke up a chatter box and feeling much better. So we went to classmate's birthday party. (birthday girl in the pink hat below) The birthday was at an equestian center ( and the birthday girl's father owns a specialty cake shop ( (that happens to be about a block from my work). So needless to say this was an extremely cool birthday party and extremely cool cake. And, you would think, since it only took the baker about 3 hours to make this cake that it would be a plain ol' vanilla cake--not so. It was layered vanilla, chocolate, some kind of chocolate mousse, vanilla, chocolate then the mousse again and covered with foundant icing. Danielle fell asleep on the ride home, walked inside, went straight to bed and sleep for an hour. I was feeling better and guilty from eating my piece of cake and the reminder of Danielle's piece of cake so I cut the front yard. This all might have been a mistake, however, as Danielle woke up with a slight fever again and I am again stupped up and sownd lide dis. Sure hope we didn't get anyone sick before the big holiday...


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