Tuesday, January 23, 2007

playgroup reunion

Last night I went to dinner with 2 of the moms and kids from our playgroup. (We missed you, Kathy!) Our playgroup started as a library storytime when D was just 6 months old and evolved to a playgroup. It was fun catching up and seeing the girls interact so well; there were lots of giggles. Danielle, at one point, told me to move slightly so she could see the little toddler brother. She likes babies so much--a lot like her cousin Emory. We also got to meet the 10 year daughter (Marjorie) staying with a friend and her little "chick". All the kids were VERY well behaved and M was especially well behaved and helpful to the littler ones. It was also nice to catch up with my friends in person with conversations about kids, upcoming trips, missionary work and scuba diving and high school reunions with alumni embezzlers (I'm still amazed at that one). I forgot my camera, though, so no photos of the kid-ohs. :-( I hope we can get together again soon; I feel like 2 years has passed by so quickly . . . I also got to sneak in some cheesecake for dessert . . . yummmm . . . and stopped at the grocery store before heading home.

When I got home I found that Trey had just gotten home about 15 minutes earlier. I had been bugging him to go out with some of his guy-friends (even with my sporatic meetings with friends I do get out to meet them more than he does). He went to get Serrano's with a buddy after work. So it was a "single" (sort-of) night for us :-)


Blogger Mandi Watts said...

We had a great time and can't wait for the next reunion--that's playgroup reunion, NOT high school reunion!

2:37 PM

Blogger Sarah said...

It was a great time. We should do it quarterly or something...

I should have brought my new camera. Guess I'm just so used to seeing you all every week that it doesn't occur to me to bring a camera. Hope that made sense!

3:47 PM


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