Thursday, December 04, 2008

new things

S is getting ready to crawl. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth and back and forth.

Yesterday evening was beautiful so spent some time outside. I noticed that D has learned to climb trees quite well. All thanks to neighbor A for instructions. Earlier this year D got really good at the monkey bars. I remember last year that our God daughter C learned the monkey bars; C got so obsessed that she got big blisters on her hands. But she continued to play on the monkey bars at every recess.

Remember how fun those little accomplishments were? We should all remember to appreciate ourselves more. Why don't you celebrate an accomplishment you've recently made?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I will! I think we all need friends and neighbors like you Angela! Kathy

12:53 PM

Blogger Angela O. said...

Aww. You are a wonderful friend, Kathy!

8:49 AM


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